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About Us

An education collective on a mission to ensure all children have access to a learning environment where they feel seen, valued and safe. We want every child to be understood as an individual and celebrated for their uniqueness. We believe that when children feel connected to their teachers and calm in their learning environment they can develop the confidence to share their ideas, explore and take risks in their learning.

Meet the Teacher

Emma lives in rural Waikato with her two year old son, Ollie.  She enjoys swimming, sewing, music, and last year with a lot of help from her Mum, she built a tiny home.  With a passion for learning, Emma is currently finding out more about gardening and sustainability.

Emma comes from a family of teachers and began teaching at a young age, by lining up all her teddy bears in front of her whiteboard. Although her first degree was in Fashion Design, teaching has always been where her heart is.  She has a soft spot for the artists, the old souls, the quieter kids, the can't-sit-still kids, the dreamers and those that don't quite fit the mold.  Emma is passionate about connecting with children by building genuine relationships and creating a class culture with wellbeing at the heart. As a teacher she hopes to act as a facilitator of learning (she's come along way since bossing her teddies around) and let children's natural curiosity drive the process.


Emma has been teaching for six years. In this time she has had the opportunity to work in some quite unique positions. She first taught at a two-teacher school, where she was introduced to mixed-age teaching, with 12 year 4-8 students in her class. She then moved on to a larger school where she taught year 5 and 6 in a collaborative space.  At this school she had extensive professional development, particularly in writing and began teaching "STEM Fridays". Next she worked in a small school set on a Marae in South Auckland, here she taught year 2 and 3, with a focus on play-based learning and emotional literacy.  While at home with her son, Ollie, Emma began studying towards a Masters of Education, with a special interest in Human Development, and enhancing students' wellbeing through a sense of belonging (thesis still to come, one of these days).  When returning to work, Emma joined a Health School, where she gained more experience working with neurodivergent children, and supporting youth with their mental health and wellbeing.

The "SEEN" Way


Our natural approach to education is centered on "sharing" versus competition. Our interactive lessons encourage children to share their ideas and expertise, learning through discussion, debate and hands-on tasks that provide opportunities for children to practice collaboration and communication. Our philosophy connects with Vygotsky’s theory that learning is socially constructed. The Maori concept of wānanga is honored - as we create a learning culture that encourages the dynamic building and sharing of knowledge.


We teach a broad curriculum on a variety of topics, to expose children to a world of opportunity, full of things to get excited about. Our classes involve hands-on learning and are semi-structured. We aim to find the balance between giving space for children to explore what excites them, and extending their learning by posing challenges and introducing new topics.


We are dedicated to empowering children, fostering their confidence, and inspiring a lifelong love for learning. Children are active participants in this journey, taking ownership of  their empowerment, and learning. Inspired by the Maori concept of ako, children have opportunities to be the teacher, and learn from their peers. We respect children as equals and while we encourage them to give things a go, we do not believe in forced participation.


Our small group sizes allow for genuine, caring relationships to be developed. We embrace a holistic approach that nurtures the whole child, encompassing their intellectual, emotional, and social development. Children feeling safe, secure and connected is our highest priority. We promote a growth mindset, where mistakes are celebrated as valuable learning opportunities

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