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SEEN Classroom

Our SEEN Classroom, is a mixed-age learning environment with up to 12 students.  We are here to enhance wellness through creativity and connection.  Expect to see lots of hands-on learning  (art, construction, experiments, play) movement and deep conversation.


In the morning we prepare to learn by grounding ourselves - this may include breathing exercises, mindfulness, meditation.

In order to offer sustained periods of engagement we do not have scheduled break times. Children are encouraged to listen to their own bodies, regarding meal times and brain breaks, but will be reminded as needed. Throughout the day, we learn across four different zones as pictured below.

Thursdays                    9.45am - 2.45pm                     Ages 7-14

The class comes together as a community of learners, working independently or together on the same task. This is often an opportunity to introduce new ideas. Together we will write, create, discuss, act, build, investigate.




Child-led exploration that encourages play and student-agency. Children choose from a  variety of learning tasks and resources. Children also have the freedom to explore their own areas of interest with their own projects.


   Children can opt in to or request learning workshops. This is an opportunity to delve deeper into the theory that underpins their exploration or teach the skills required for their independent learning. Children may run workshops for their peers, in their areas of strength, or to share a new discovery.

 The class comes together for short lessons focused on social and emotional literacy. Throughout the day, we extend on these lessons on a more individual or small group level as the need arises, we may pause our work to reconsider the strategies we have learnt to manage frustrations, negotiations or conflict.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a registered school?


No, we are not a registered school. Our students are homeschooled (with homeschool exemptions), attending school part time, or are excused from mainstream schooling one day per week with the permission of their school principal.


Are your teachers qualified?


Emma is a qualified teacher with six years teaching experience. She has worked in primary schools working at a variety of age levels, and has taught high school level students through private tutoring and with health school.  You can find more information on Emma's experience and teaching philosophy here. 


Who can attend?


We pride ourselves on our inclusivity. With our small classroom sizes and break-out spaces, we are particularly suitable for children who can feel overwhelmed in mainstream public schools or those who need a little extra nurturing. Our activities are carefully selected to be accessible for children of different academic abilities.  Unfortunately, due to  the design of our venue  we cannot take students who have a tendency to wander off.


How much does it cost?


The cost is $700 per term.  This is paid in advance, in two installments. Alternative payment plans are available upon request.  We have a sibling discount of 10% for the second (and additional) children enrolled from one family. We also have a loyalty discount of 10% for children who are enrolled for two terms or more. These discounts can be used together. 


What subjects do you teach?


Our priority is to enhance wellness through creativity and connection.  We have an emphasis on skills rather than subjects. Our lessons are highly interactive with hands-on learning, discussions and group work.  Children are empowered by building an understanding of the world in which they operate, with activities that encompass Science, Technology, Social Studies and the Arts.


What about Reading, Writing and Maths?


 Our understanding is that children  receive plenty of instruction in these areas from their main education provider. In order to offer balance, we are predominantly focused on Science, Technology and the Arts. However, children often solidify learning in Numeracy and Literacy by viewing an idea in a new context. For example children are often communicating stories through their Art and Drama and using Mathematical concepts through their constructions and experiments.


How does a mixed-age classroom work?


Children are encouraged to support each other, whilst focusing on their own learning goals, rather than comparing themselves to others (which often happens when children are segregated by age). In life we work with a variety of people with different strengths, why should school be any different?


What is the enrollment process?


Please click the "enrol now" button to register your interest, or give us a ring to organize a visit.

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